Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Thales ARCADIA/Melody

Participants : Frédéric Mallet, Robert de Simone.

In the remote context of ARTEMIS CESAR we conducted a specific study of the functional expressiveness of the ARCADIA/Melody environment, developed and deployed internally inside several Thales divisions. A questionnaire was designed by us, according to the various semantic variation points that we identified into this Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) environment. It was then sent to potential users for feedback, and reporting was done together with colleagues from Thales TRT (R&D division) to their management. As a result a number of non-trivial redesign decisions were taken. Our findings were presented through a number of focused meetings held at Thales in the Saclay technopark. While most work was performed at this stage on purely data-flow functional description diagrams, there is an interest inside the company to extend this type of critical survey analysis to extended description models, including event-based control and modes.